Sugar Free Yogurt

Sugar Free Yogurt Strawberry Ice-cream


         Thailand is a hot country, making ice cream is a product of the country that it is. If we eat too much ice cream, but it is likely to make weight. Today we are going to offer a recipe for Sugar Free Strawberry Yogurt Ice-cream from it. 

Ingredients Sugar Free Yogurt Strawberry Ice-cream. 

        1. fresh strawberry 300 g., If you can not find fresh strawberry berries, you can use frozen strawberries. 

        2. whipped cream 250 g. 

        3. yogurt homemade 250 g., You can see how the Sugar Free Yogurt here

How to Make Sugar Free Yogurt Strawberry Ice-cream. 

        1. put everything into blender and blend well. Blend until mixture is smooth 

        2. Pour into container, cover and freeze until firm free (closed because ice cream does not absorb odors in the refrigerator). 

        3. Testing the coagulation of ice cream. If the ice cream hardened, scrape flesh Sugar Free Strawberry Yogurt Ice-cream before eating.


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