Sugar Free Yogurt

Sugar Free Yogurt Blue Banana Smoothie


sugar free yogurt blue banana smoothie

       Someone like fruits berries delicious and easy to find useful information that is no less than other fruits. Today we choose one type of fruit, berries, known as the strawberry, sugar free yogurt are mixed with blueberries. Fruits rich in vitamin C. Allows the body to help prevent colds, improve blood circulation. There is also a banana as an ingredient on the menu that I bring with me to this day. The flavors are delicious; do not try to look for me.

Ingredients Sugar Free Yogurt Blue Banana Smoothie.

1. 1 ripe banana
2. 1 cup frozen blueberries.
3. 1 cup  yogurt homemade, You can see how the Sugar Free Yogurt here.
4. 1-2 teaspoons honey
5. 2/3 cup ice

How to Make Sugar Free Yogurt Blue Banana Smoothie.

       Add banana, blueberry, sugar free yogurt, honey and ice in a blender. After thoroughly blended ingredients, pour into a glass and garnish with dried blueberries and serve.


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